Explorer's Club is in session during summer school also. Afterschool students extend learning through interactive activities. Look at this awesome design.
National Chocolate Chip cookie day was May 15. Mrs. Stimac's students learned how chocolate chips are made, read about the history of the chocolate chip cookie, identified facts and wrote using supporting details. Finally they summarized all they learned about chocolate chip cookies. Students learned about renewable and non renewable resources by mining for chocolate chips. Recipes were used to practice skills we learned throughout the year. If you missed it last month, why not celebrate chocolate chip cookie day today?
Looking for ideas to keep your kiddos busy? Plant some seeds! Sunflowers are a great example for students. You can measure their growth, teach about watering and caring for plants, and how sunflower seeds can be used to feed humans and wildlife! Thanks Mrs. Wilch for sharing pictures of your class planting seeds for inspiration.
Here's a sneak peak into Kindergarten Summer School!
PK-8 yearbooks are on sale now. These make great gifts for your students. If you would like to order it as a surprise, please get in touch with us using the email given. Sales end June 28. Have questions? Email Brooke at breller@elsberry.k12.mo.us.
Summer school is a great time to practice being creative!
Playdoh is great for all ages! Summer School students love the chance to create and design.
Mrs. Hudson is teaching her summer school students how to play Uno. Playing cards is a great way to practice patience, taking turns, paying attention as well as sequencing, patterns, and sorting.
We had a great first day of summer school! Please send backpacks with your child so they can bring home the projects and tasks they are completing. We would love for you to see their learning. Here are a few pictures from today sent by Mrs. Pott and Miss Cross.
Summer school begins on Tuesday, June 4 and continues through Friday, June 28. Summer school will be Tuesday-Friday, 7:45 am - 3:35 pm. Due to summer construction work, all students PreK-12 will use the elementary office entrance for drop off and pick up. On the first day all high school students will report to the high school library for a short meeting. All students attending summer school are eligible for free breakfast and lunch. Buses will run the regular year routes, a copy of the routes can be viewed at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kq8W7CTH8PRcdrA_R1_anyP6LofcwXye/view?usp=sharing The route times may be adjusted during the first week based on the number of riders.
Looking for a way to encourage summer reading? Here is just one option. https://www.bookitprogram.com/programs/camp-book-it
Have a great summer! We are end of the year tired but are thankful for the journey!
Congratulations to our Kindergarten students for completing their first year of big school. A full album of each class is posted on Facebook on the Clarence Cannon Elementary page.
We cannot thank the Elsberry PTO enough for providing us Spring Fling. What an incredible way to end a school year! It is always described as "the best day ever!"
Today our students celebrated academic achievements with an ice cream treat!
Don't forget to complete Summer School registration!
Summer School 2024 Enrollment- follow the link to enroll. Please fill out a form for each individual student.
Mrs. Clote's first grade class had a beach day today. The students completed a beach themed escape room with various puzzles to finish in order to “escape”.
Reminder, we are in session on Monday, May 20.
Did you have a favorite jump rope song? Our students are practicing their jump rope skills.
Congratulations to our Elsberry Girls on the Run participants, coaches, and running buddies, for completing the #GOTRSTL5K! The lessons Girls on the Run have learned will last so much longer than one season and they’ll walk away from today knowing they can do anything they set their minds to. The finish line is just the beginning!! 🏆🫶🏼💫