Dismissal Procedures
Students will be dismissed at 3:35 p.m. daily. Bus riders will go directly to the bus, walkers will go directly to the front entry of the elementary doors and wait to be dismissed to walk home, Explorer’s Club students will report directly to the main hallway. Pick-up students will wait in the elementary gym until they are matched with their pick-up car. Please remain in your vehicle and wait for a staff member to bring your student to you. The pickup line should form in the back row, with the first car facing Welch St. Once buses pull away the pickup line will curve around to follow the direction that the buses go out. Student car riders will be assigned a number at the beginning of the year and parents will receive a card with the corresponding number to be visible in their front windows. The monitor at the pickup line will call for the students based on the number as the car pulls up to the elementary doors. Much thought has gone into several different proposals for dismissal procedures considering the safety of the children as our number one priority. Expedience is being sacrificed for the safety of our students. This becomes a smooth process after a few days of practice and the following suggestions help ease this transition:
1. If you are one of the first drivers to arrive, please pull your car up and stop at the designated line, facing Welch Street.
2. If you have school business to conduct and are also picking up your child, please park and come in after the buses have pulled away.
3. We will have staff on duty to unite child and parent as quickly as possible.
4. If an adult is picking up a student who does not have a number card for their car, the office will need to be notified of that change in advance and that adult will need to be on the pickup list and show photo ID when they come to the school.
5. On the rare occasion you need to pick up your child before the buses leave, you will need to come to the elementary entrance and sign your child out from the office.
6. A student must have a note if there is any change in the way he/she is to go home. If a child does not have a note, the child will be sent home the way he/she normally goes home. If the parent forgets to send a note, they should contact the elementary school office no later than 3:00 p.m. and a note will be written for the child. Transportation plans cannot be changed after 3:00 p.m. as we cannot ensure that we will be able to contact all involved parties to make the necessary change.
If students are on a field trip, they may be signed out from the classroom teacher by their parent/guardian on an attendance roster. The time the student leaves will be recorded and that time will be counted as an absence on their official attendance record.